Getting the most for your construction dollar begins with all parties engaged in the process at the earliest time. Cost control, meeting schedule deadlines, and optimizing value are based on decisions made at the initial stages of the job.
Construction Management at Risk (CMAR) is a qualifications-based selection process and provides construction management services for a project throughout both the pre-construction and construction phases.
Design-build is a method of project delivery in which one entity – the design-build team – works under a single contract with the project owner to provide design and construction services. This is an inclusive contract that involves one entity, one contract, one unified flow of work from initial concept through completion.
Ionic Builders has successfully managed tenant improvements of over two million square feet in both new and occupied buildings throughout the greater Phoenix area. We are experts in working within the confined area of finish spaces involving other tenants or landlord operations.
We always keep in mind the requirement of delivering the project at the most competitive method possible, while integrating the concepts of “best value” and quality assurance to the successful project. Participating as an active member of the project team during pre-construction is where Ionic, as construction manager, has the greatest impact in achieving defined project goals at the lowest possible cost.
Our first step in risk management is client alignment. This is the process of identifying and fully understanding the unique requirements of each owner and project. This alignment process is the beginning of a successful relationship for both firms.